Compact elastic coupling

Compact elastic coupling

This coupling is composed of two hubs in steel UNI EN ISO 683-1:2018 fully turned. These two hubs are connected by radial pins, made in steel with high resistanceand seated within the elastomeric elements. 

These pins, with their relevant elastomeric elements, are protected by an external band, allowing the coupling a high grade of protection. This construction feature allows the user to be able to perform maintenance, by substituting the elastic elements, without the need to move the two transmission hubs/shafts, reducing maintenance times and optimizing the plant productivity. Particularly suitable for connecting Pelton turbines, for the coupling between engines and worm compressors and in general for transmission where safety is highly necessary without compromising the quality and effectiveness of the same transmission.

Description of the elastomeric element

The main features that disti nguish this elastic element are as follows:

  • Good resistance to all common lubricants and hydraulic fluids
  • Optimum mechanical properties
  • Green element suitable to operate for short periods up to 170 °C



  • Made in steel fully turned with standard treatment of phosphating
  • Maintenance without removing the coupling 
  • Suitable for working in high temperatures
  • Statically balanced, suitable to absorb vibrations
  • Highest protection
  • Excellent value torque/dimensions
  • Up to 105 KNm and 220 mm bore diameters

On request

  • Made in steel fully turned with standard treatment of phosphating
  • Maintenance without removing the coupling
  • Suitable for working in high temperatures
  • Statically balanced, suitable to absorb vibrations
  • Highest protection
  • Excellent value torque/dimensions

Flohr Industrietechnik GmbH - Im Unteren Tal 1 - 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen (Allemagne) - Téléphone : +49 (0)7751 / 8731-0 - info@flohr-industrietechnik.

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