Surface treatment | painting, passivation etc.


Our gearboxes are generally painted according to specific customer requirements. Here we are able to offer a wide variety of paints and passivation systems using the latest technology. In our temperature-controlled surface treatment facility we also have controlled air flow that enables fast and economical painting work. The paints are exclusively high-quality systems, which we select according to the highest quality requirements.

In addition to painting, we also have in-depth experience in other areas of metal passivation. It doesn't matter whether it's aluminum anodizing, chrome plating or phosphating, we will find the best solution to protect your product appropriately. Please contact us.


Oberflächenbehandlung – Lackieren einer Armscheibe
Lackieren kundenspezifische eine gestrahlten Schwungscheibe
Oberflächenbehandlung – Lackieren einer Armscheibe
Lackieren kundenspezifische eine gestrahlten Schwungscheibe
Trockenen einer grundierten Riemenscheibe
Trocknen von Mehrschichtlackierung von Flanschlagergehäusen
Trockenen von 3-schichtigem Sonderlack auf Kegelradgetrieben
Kundenspezifisch lackiertes Rührwerksgetriebezoom
Lackierung eines Maschinenbauteilszoom

Flohr Industrietechnik GmbH - Im Unteren Tal 1 - 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen (Allemagne) - Téléphone : +49 (0)7751 / 8731-0 - info@flohr-industrietechnik.

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