Magnetic rotary encoders MAG Incremental

Magnetic rotary encoders - bearingless speed measurementzoom

Short info: Magnetic rotary encoders

  • Hollow shafts up to approx. Ø 1500 mm and high speeds
  • Bearingless, extremely rugged and nonwearing, contactless scanning
  • Up to 200 000 pulses HTL / TTL
  • Options: Reference pulse, FOC transmitter, overspeed switch, several scanning heads, split pulse wheel, protection covers made of stainless steel or carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), Ex-proof acc. ATEX (zone 2)

Bearingless magnetic rotary encoders

The incremental, bearingless, magnetic rotary encoders MAG are particularly flexible: thanks to the version with pulse wheel and scanning head they offer the highest levels of design freedom. The bearingless magnetic rotary encoders are suitable for direct attachment to shaft diameters up to approx. 1500 mm. Thanks to their narrow width of just 15 mm they are also particularly suitable for use in confined spaces. The pulse wheel is mounted directly onto the shaft where it also measures high speeds without any difficulty. MAG magnetic rotary encoders are suitable for harsh operating conditions such as in roll stands, drive shaft assemblies on ships, for motors on excavators in open cast mining, tandem motors as well as gas and water turbines. The module variant with split pulse wheel offers a practical alternative for retrofitting and upgrading purposes or if there is no free shaft end available - with protection covers made of stainless steel or carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) on request.

Attribute Value
Supply voltage 12-30 VDC
Signal amplitude HTL or TTL
Pulse rate Pulse rates 32 to 200000
Output signals 0° and 90° track, reference pulse, check output and inverted signals
Maximum frequency Depends on mechanical design / max. 200 kHz
Electrical connection Terminal strip in a terminal box, Fixed cable, 12-pole round connector Burndy, 12-pole round connector M23, FOC connector in a terminal box
Construction type / Ø shafts Hollow shaft / up to approx. Ø 1500 mm, Axial tolerance: ±3 mm (offset scanning head/pulse wheel), optional up to ±8 mm, Radial tolerance: Up to 2.0 mm (air gap scanning head/pulse wheel)
Device temperature range -40 °C to +100 °C, -40 °C to +85 °C (UL/CSA)
Degree of protection IP66 to IP68
Weight Size dependent
Mechanical options One-piece or split pulse wheel
Protection covers made of stainless steel (AISI 304) or carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), also available for split pulse wheels
Device options S: Electronic overspeed switch with switching speed (0.63 to 5600 rpm) set ex-works
FOC: Alternative encoder signals via fiber optic cable (50 / 125 μm or 62.5 / 125 μm)
Additional magnetic track with reference pulse

Flohr Industrietechnik GmbH - Im Unteren Tal 1 - 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen (Allemagne) - Téléphone : +49 (0)7751 / 8731-0 - info@flohr-industrietechnik.

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