Thanks to DESTACO's end effectors and their modular high-strength, lightweight aluminium components, heavy-duty vacuum cups and the fastest venturis on the market, they can move components faster in today's production lines.
For over 30 years, DESTACO has provided global end effector tooling to virtually all market segments, offering turnkey design, manufacturing and assembly of best-in-class end effector solutions. The application engineers work with customers around the world - from concept, to order, to design - to produce a custom system for each unique application. Our teams have extensive experience in providing end effector solutions for diverse market sectors and applications.
Flohr Industrietechnik GmbH - Im Unteren Tal 1 - 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen (Allemagne) - Téléphone : +49 (0)7751 / 8731-0 - info@flohr-industrietechnik.
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