Almost 50 years of experience in the assembly of gearboxes and components speaks for itself. Our team has a lot of experience and know-how to carry out assembly and repair work, regardless of the brand. Our gearboxes are in use worldwide and are extremely reliable. We would be happy to convince you too. Ask us - our team will be happy to support you.
The assembly of our own gearboxes is part of our daily business. Every move is spot on here and the quality and performance of our employees makes us proud. We are happy to put our possibilities at your service. Both assembly orders for external gears and the joint development of prototypes and components are possible.
We have many years of
experience and excellent references both for the automotive industry and in the
field of classic drive technology. We would also be happy to support you and
offer you coherent economic concepts for the implementation of your goals.
We prove every day that we can be relied on. This is why our customers benefit from our many years of manufacturing experience in drive technology.
For products that we manufacture for our customers, we always offer a fast and reliable service for repair and replacement in case of damage. Depending upon the application, we also stock units for our customers in order to be able to react immediately in case of an emergency. While our service department is already installing your new gearbox on site, a damage analysis for a repair proposal is already being worked out in the assembly and test center.
Since we plan for our Customers to return and not with our gearboxes, warranty extensions are also possible with free repair and maintenance.
Come and join
us - We will be happy to advise you.
Flohr Industrietechnik GmbH - Im Unteren Tal 1 - 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen (Allemagne) - Téléphone : +49 (0)7751 / 8731-0 - info@flohr-industrietechnik.
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